The Importance of having a Business Card for your Business

The Importance of having a Business Card for your Business

There's nothing more frustrating than speaking to someone at a networking event, asking for their business card, only to be told they've just given out their last one or didn't bring any to the event. Don't be one of these people. It shows you are not organized and although it may seem like a minor detail, can actually put people off from wanting to work with you.

Business cards are still one of the most affordable marketing tools, they are small, compact and can easily fit into someones pocket, wallet or purse. A business card is one of the most important tools for any professional. It is not only an introduction to who you are but also your first impression. It should contain all the necessary contact information in order to make it easy for people to get in touch with you. Double sided business cards are a great way to have your logo on show on one side then the important contact details on the other. Business cards design is so important, you want the important information to be on there without making it too busy, a nice finish is important like the most popular matt laminated business cards but having a different finish like Soft Touch Lamination with rounded corners can help you stand out from the crowd.

Stay organized, get the most from your networking and order your next batch of business cards with us today. 

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Posted by By Jenny on 2nd Feb 2022

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