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Studies show that consumers spend a significant amount of time reading brochures and are likely to keep them, especially if the reader is already a customer.

A good brochure can help your customer create a bond with your company hearing your story and are likely to be a loyal customer. Your brochure should have a professional visually attractive design and compelling content will make a lasting impression between your customer and your brand.

Unlike the internet where people tend to quickly skim through content, a brochure provides the reader with an opportunity to properly browse. They take more time to engage in your brand and products and encourages people to read at their own speed with few distractions.

Are you ready to create a brochure? Whether you design it yourself or having a professional graphic designer to do it following these essential tips.

1. Your brochure should focus on the benefits of buying your product or service.

2. Remember ‘5 Seconds’ is all it takes for customers to decide whether to read your brochure. An eye-catching cover with reasons to open it is the only way to get them to take one.

3. Be helpful. Put interesting tips and facts within your products to give customers a reason to buy.

4. Start selling! Make sure you make your content interesting and engaging while selling.

5. Make them keep your brochure. Print your brochure on high quality paper with great images will encourage customers to keep your brochure and possibly even pass the brochure on to other potential customers.

If you need expert design or print advice for developing a brochure to meaningfully engage your customers,  contact us.

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Posted by By Jenny on 12th Mar 2019

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