An Essential Guide to Election Campaign Marketing

An Essential Guide to Election Campaign Marketing

Printing and marketing for election campaigns have always been a complicated affair. Election campaign success comes down to making a connection with the voters, recognising that they are real people with real concerns and problems and figuring out a way to show them that you can help.

In this article, we will look at the various aspects of an election campaign and how to market it effectively.

What Makes Successful Election Print?

We have put together some top tips on how to make your design eye catching and draw voters into your campaign and peak their interest.

A Strong Campaign brand.

It is important to have a strong brand and people will remember your campaign when they see your colours. Give the audience something to talk about. The Election graphic design should be eye-catching so people are intrigued enough to ask what it is.

Communicate Why they should vote for you.

You need a strong argument to sway voters who may be on the fence , and to earn their trust. You should tell them what you will do to make their lives better, and how this will help them.

Memorable Policies.

Before ordering your Election Posters and Banners talk to people in the street, ask people to fill in surveys online or even send printed ones; whatever research you do can only help your campaign.

Then, once you’ve got a steady list of common concerns in the local constituency, you can set out the problems you’re going to tackle. .his should be a clear agenda and canvass the concerns of as many people as possible. Don’t be afraid to use social media, get on the phone, knock on doors and spread your message. The most important thing you can do is build trust - with voters.

Order High Quality Materials.

Not only should your Election flyers, Election brochures, Election banners and Election signs convey your message well, they should also look and feel impressive. That’s why you should always opt for thicker, higher quality stocks. That way, you’ll come across as a reliable and trustworthy source – which especially counts for something in this line of work!

What Election Print Should You Use?

To run a successful campaign comes down to making sure you’ve got the right marketing materials to promote your cause, message and spread awareness of the two. Here are a few options your party shouldn’t be without.


They are the lowest cost form of marketing and can be bought in bulk for a better price, they are great for doing a leaflet drop door to door. Our recent survey also revealed them to be the most trusted form of marketing, making them a must-have for your election campaign print.


Send out a letter about your party policies and it’s sure to get noticed! 56% of people open their letters, compared to just 22.87% for emails. Make sure you had your brand colours on there and all the important contact information, shows voters how they can get in touch.


Political campaign posters still stand out as one of the best ways to push your party forward – with the right design! These can be put up in local shops, indoors or outdoors to spread the word. Make sure the design on your Election campaign posters isn’t too busy and all the important details are on there.


Giving out small garden and window signs with messages of support for your party is a great way to get your branding across in your local area. It’s a lot easier to persuade other voters when they know their neighbours support your party too. Large format signage like flags, Election banners are a great way to shout from the roof tops about your campaign. Another idea is car magnets which can promote you as you drive around the local area.

How to Design an Election Leaflet

Once you’ve got your perfect message and branding sorted, it’s time to start thinking about your political leaflet design.

It’s important to remember that your election flyer or leaflet design shouldn’t be an afterthought – after all, this is the first impression the potential voter may have of you, so make sure it shows off how your policies will help your voters.

Election Print Checklist

Check out our essential checklist for your design.

  • Name of the MP
  • Professional photo
  • Which party you’re representing (or an Independent)
  • The date of the election
  • Your branding – colours and logo
  • The area being represented
  • Important issues you want to address
  • A call to action telling the reader what to do next i.e. register support, Vote for me!
  • Personalise the MP with a note from them
  • Contact information – email, website, social media, however you want people to get in touch about issues
  • Legal publishing information, or imprint*

*An imprint must be added to all printed election materials. It includes certain details that show who is responsible for the mailer, including the promoter’s information and the printer’s information. Not including an imprint on printed election materials is an offence under the Political Parties Elections and Referendums Act 2000.

An example of an imprint is:

Promoted by John Doe, 1 Main Street, Devon, EX8 5PP Printed by Wee Print Ltd, 18 Fenton Street, Alloa, FK10 2DU

For single-sided materials, include the imprint on the front page. For multi-page documents, include the imprint on either the first or last page.

Ready to start printing your own election materials? Check out our full range of election print. 

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Posted by By Jenny on 23rd Mar 2022

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