

It is always important to promote any business off and online. Customers do love to have you something they can touch, feel and ultimately trust.

In the digital world we now live in, print is still greatly important which online formats can’t compete with. For example, if a flyer with a special offer is posted through a potential customer’s door, it will likely sit on in their kitchen or table for a few days for them to ponder. An email with a special offer may sit in a customer’s inbox for much longer or is quickly deleted or ignored.

In the food & hospitality industry, print promotional materials remains highly important in restaurants. Here are some great ideas for how you can use print to promote your business.

1. Menus

How your menu is designed and printed will inform customers what type of restaurant you are, a great clear design will enhance their experience and make it easy for them to choose dishes.

2. Posters

Posters are ideal for capturing attention with big, bold design and can draw customers away from competing restaurants.

3. Folded leaflets

Folded leaflets are an ideal for quality menus, allowing you to divide it into sections for customers to find what they are looking for easily. They’re also great for adding extra information like the story of the restaurant so that customers can connect to the brand.

4. Flyers

Flyers are one of the most popular, low cost ways to advertise special offers, new items or simply promote your brand. Customers can easily pop these in their bag as a constant reminder.

5. Loyalty cards

Turn first-time customers into regulars with Loyalty Cards which they can use to earn discounts of free items. Customers are more likely to come back.

6. Letterheads

When you’re looking to make a contract or contact suppliers, you need to ensure that your printed letterhead frames your communication with authenticity.

7. Tent cards & Table Talkers

These are great to show off your offers, upsell products, menus, wine lists, calendars, place cards, point of sale...the options are endless.

8. Outdoor Signage

Forecourt signs are ideal for outside restaurants, promoting your business from a far and drawing people to take a look at your menu and ultimately decide if they want to come in.

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Posted by By Jenny on 4th Feb 2019

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